other peoples words | linksoes

Neil Gaiman is celebrating his seventh blog birthday and his publishers have kindly agreed to a great big online book give away as part of the celebrations. There’s about a week left to vote for which novel you want to read on your computer screen. So go get yourself voting. (or click here to see the results of the vote at the minute)

Harper Collins are handing out free e-books at the minute. Some interesting titles are up for perusal including Paulo Coelho’s The Witch of Portobello and Erin Hunter’s Warriors: Into the Wild. (via NYT)

DC/Vertigo are dishing out a free downloadable PDF of Swamp Thing #21 - Alan Moore’s first (technically second) issue. And on the subject of Mr Moore there is a brilliant and surprisingly long documentary on him online at altertube.

Sinead continues the Musical Rooms series with the Delorentos - interesting insight into how the band work together. There’s a great homemade poster in the background. One for mass production maybe?


Kung Fu Rodeo has a breakdown of the Watchmen movie stills (from ‘extremely reliable source‘ - no more rumour spreading for me). Looking forward to seeing Rorscach’s mask and Doc Manhattan’s clothes (all CGI). A picture is worth a thousand words. More from the Watchmen Official Blog.

Drawn! has the news that Six Word Memoirs book is out and available to the wider world. This is a fantastic idea for a book - collecting snippets of insight from writers. There was a poetry competition a few years ago judged (I think) by Paul Muldoon. He gave the overal prize to a six year old for their poem (of not quite six words):

The Turtle moves movey movey.

And finally a weird and wonderful Vittel ad with the many faces of David Bowie:

Many thanks to Lili Forberg for the title: -soes is the new -sies. (Congratulations on the nomination!)

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