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Sandman, Fables, Aquaman due for Feature Films

Sandman, Fables, Aquaman due for Feature Films

DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson talked to Hollywood Reporter last week - and what came up was, well, interesting.

Nelson highlighted five comic book properties she would like to see hitting cinema screens - and is very honest about why a Wonder Woman is taking its time and on Green Lantern’s sinking.

THR: If it were up to you, what five characters or titles would you like to see on the screen?

Nelson: Sandman is right on top. I think it could be as rich as the Harry Potter universe. Fables.Metal MenJustice League. And yes, I’m going to say it: Aquaman.

THR: There have been a few attempts at bringing Wonder Woman to the screen — the Joss Whedon feature that was canceled in 2007, David E. Kelley’s 2011 TV pilot — but nothing has stuck.

Nelson: We have to get her right, we have to. She is such an icon for both genders and all ages and for people who love the original TV show and people who read the comics now. I think one of the biggest challenges at the company is getting that right on any size screen. The reasons why are probably pretty subjective: She doesn’t have the single, clear, compelling story that everyone knows and recognizes. There are lots of facets to Wonder Woman, and I think the key is, how do you get the right facet for that right medium? What you do in TV has to be different than what you do in features. She has been, since I started, one of the top three priorities for DC and for Warner Bros. We are still trying right now, but she’s tricky.

Read the full interview - and then get VERY excited.

The Wolverine – and what comes next – X-Men: Days of Future Past

The Wolverine - and what comes next - X-Men: Days of Future Past

At the sneaky preview screening of The Wolverine last night there was … hope. The X-Men, Spiderman and Wolverine films have been made outside of the Marvel family circle so haven’t had the same massive interest or intrigue that has made the Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man and The Avengers films great.

But all that is about to change.

The Wolverine hints at a new beginning - it follows a few years after the other films - with Logan ditching the X-Men and going to Japan. And there are hints, snippets and clues left throughout of what is tom come in X-men: Days of Future Past.

The launch of and the TV spots and news reports littered through The Wolverine are hinting - that Marvel are applying the same build up to the next film.

And it gets better - there’s a few STONKING cameos in The Wolverine after the credits run.

Wolverine is good. And what comes next is looking great!

Viz Media relaunch Children’s Imprint

Viz Media relaunch Children’s Imprint

Stalwart of manga and comic publishing Viz Media announced their plans to relaunch their children’s imprint yesterday as Perfect Square - moving focus from manga (Zelda, Pokemon etc.) to other recognised brands and new titles.

Perfect Square will primarily publish comics but will be more flexible to producing different kinds of content and create books with other brands - looking to publish 40 to 50 titles per year.

Talking to Publishing Weekly Perfect Square editorial director Beth Kawasaki said:

the global market is changing and we wanted to find new voices and kid’s books that will resonate. So as part of that search we decided to go with a new name.

Eason’s David O’Callaghan: Before The Movie Came the Book

Eason’s David O’Callaghan: Before The Movie Came the Book

Eason children’s buyer and pop-culture-vulture David O’Callaghan (aka. The Shepherd) is extolling his wisdom over on the Eason blog. Namely the MASSIVE number of awesome book to movie adaptations coming down the line - with, as he points out, every major studio having a teen novel in its pocket.

The Class of 2013/14 is looking pretty awesome.

O’Callaghan’s first batch of picks? Percy Jackson & The Sea of Monsters, Mortal Instruments: City Of BonesHow I Live Now, Ender’s Game and The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. 

But wait - there’s more - what with Divergent, The Fault In Our Stars, Seventh Son (Spook’s Apprentice), The Book Thief, Vampire Academy and The Chaos Walking Trilogy all to come.

Go on, follow the herd and read The Shepherd’s wise words! 

Robert Galbraith: Do pseudonyms betray women?

Robert Galbraith: Do pseudonyms betray women?

JK Rowling named as the author behind The Cuckoo’s Calling, and the stratospheric success as a result, has raised a few questions over celebrity, gender and the act of publishing under an assumed name.

The New Statesman asks how helpful – or harmful – is Rowling’s seemingly impish act of literary transvestism?

It’s worth noting that Rowling’s success as a female author in the first place was in part dependent on her concealing her gender. At the behest of herHarry Potter publisher, she diminished Joanna to J so as to not put off young male readers.

… what the affair of The Cuckoo’s Calling really reveals is that, ultimately, celebrity trumps gender when it comes to literary success. But few successful, talented, published authors, of whom there are so many, ever achieve Rowling’s level of fame. So the message seems to be: if you want to get published, and sell well, be a man about it.

The full piece, including an interesting piece from The Guardian, here.


Comic-Con 2013

Comic-Con 2013

San Diego Comic Con is back. BIGGER than ever… as the con has moved from geek-fandom to a centre stage entertainment tannoy - here are some highlights!


TV:  the final series of both Dexter and Breaking Bad will be playing out with a bang! While stalwarts Game of Thrones and Supernatural are at the top of their game and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be splashed just about EVERYWHERE.

FILM: Expect to see some RoboCop bashing (the pics leaked so far haven’t inspired much hope, but maybe, just maybe) and there’ll be more Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Marvel Studios will be spilling the beans on what is to come. Comic Con will be centre-stage for Warner Bros. to announce any new plans for DC projects too - Justice League, maybe?

Gravity will get people talking - with Cuarón in for the duration to talk about the space epic - and The World’s End team will be around with Simon Pegg, Nick frost and Edgar Wright all on hand.  With animation taking over the box office this summer - Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs previews will be getting a licking.

But wait there’s more - with Ender’s Game and Riddick both landing later this year - the creative teams will be making lots of noise. The Ender’s Game political posters alone should be whetting your appetite.


Thor 2. It hits later this year - and Thor: The Dark World will be teasing fans all week. (And there should be some Doctor Strange announcements, Ant Man and some first looks at the new Captain America)

300: Rise of an Empire was previewed over the weekend - so expect some blood spilling and ass kicking.

There is no telling where The LEGO Movie will go. But expect it to be AMAZING.

Divergent and City of Bones. Both adaptations are landing in the very near future with both making waves.

One favourite comic series - Gervioux’s I, Frankenstein - has been getting some coverage - but not much as of yet - but expect there to be LOTS as the pic of Aaron Eckhart moves across the web.

With Pacific Rim making headlines - the Godzilla remake will no doubt be making waves and flashing green flames across Con all week too! Preview posters are appearing everywhere so there’ll be lost more to hear!

Tome Cruise is making headlines with the news that his new feature is coming to Comic Con - with a new name - Edge of Tomorrow - and lots of pics/footage to share.


Entertainment Weekly’s The Visionaries’ conversation between Edgar Wright, Alfonso Cuarón, and Marc Webb will make one incredible panel. Forget the gossip, hype and madness, these three directors talking for an hour is more exciting than almost any exclusive footage.

Fox haven’t announced their slate so expect BIG things to come.

Matt Smith is taking a lap of honour before winding up his time as Doctor Who.