monday music 101

I know shit about music. There, I’ve said it. I can can blag my way through conversations sure - but that is only with the help of blogs like Sigla, Analogue, Nialler9, On The Record, The Indie Hour and many others. The Sigla Musical Rooms series and Analogue’s recent post on where to find new music filled me with jealousy and shame. My ignorance is not something I’m proud of but it is something I can fix. So to appease the music gods: Monday Music 101 is born. (I can work on the name. Effective alliteration though)

My first leap into the unknown comes by way of Ken McGuire. We saw Clive Barnes live (courtesy of last September. Barnes is amazing to watch as he plays and is a natural born storyteller - each introduction captivated the hushed crowd in Cleere’s theatre before a single chord was played.

Apparently Harry Guerin has said that “Clive is a lap slide guitarist who can make one acoustic sound like six“. I don’t know about one guitar becoming six but he can definitely create a hypnotic and familiar blues sound when his fingers find the strings. Clive Barnes is the first music 101 recommendation: the few tracks up on MySpace don’t really do him justice but his spot on Other Voices is still live.

12 Responses to “monday music 101”

  1. 1 Ken McGuire

    Monday Music 101 eh? I like it…

    We had Clive as a guest at the One Take Sessions back in Decemeber, must have played a least an hour of a set (3 times longer than any other act on the night). If I can wrangle the recording out of our engineer I’ll try get you a selection of tracks, he was on fire that night…

  2. 2 david.

    That’s great Ken - be good to have a listen to the man of many tales again. Tower still have a few of his albums on their shelves too - dropped in over the weekend and picked one up.

    Working on who to choose for next weeks 101 - ideas welcome :)

  3. 3 Gareth Stack

    Thanks for the kind words David.

  4. 4 aoife mc

    Oooh! Music 101, great idea. Looking forward to next week’s!
    Glad the indie hour helps you out in conversations :)

  5. 5 david.

    Gareth: You’re very welcome - my iTunes podcast list has never been so full.

    Aoife: Dropped into HMV this morning and have come up with a shortlist for next week… need to work out a system.

  6. 6 Ken McGuire

    If you want another Irish act and former guest of (on a few occasions), check out The Guggenheim Grotto ( or

    Top drawer stuff.

  7. 7 david.

    The shortlist is not so short anymore. Thanks for the suggestion Ken - The Guggenheim Grotto.


  8. 8 Sinéad

    Nice idea David, look forward to it. No one can ever have enough music recommendations. My ears are always open to new stuff.

  9. 9 david.

    Thanks Sinéad - here’s hoping I learn something from all of this…

  10. 10 emordino

    Gooooooon Moooooooon

    Seriously though, Goon Moon.

  11. 11 david.

    Goon Moon you say?

    Consider it listened.

  1. 1 monday music 101 at David Maybury | Blog

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