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At a screening of Batman in the Dublin Film Festival… George Clooney appeared. Honest.

Chris Judge

Eoin Butler talks to Chris Judge:

EB: Children’s books are like Bob Dylan songs, aren’t they?

CJ: There’s always a protagonist who goes somewhere, and sees something, and hears something? Yeah, there really are only two basic stories. That’s something I realised when I was researching the first books. The protagonist either leaves town, or a stranger comes to town. Think of any film you loved when you were a kid. Jaws – stranger comes to town; Indiana Jones – protagonist leaves town.

A Brief History of Children’s Picture Books and the Art of Visual Storytelling

As fascinating and rich as Children’s Picturebooks is, it suffers one conspicuous contradiction — with its concern with the format and future of the book, and its multitude of references to other books and historical materials, a kind of baked-in framework for truly networked knowledge, it would have, and should have, easily lent itself to the digital medium, where each of the dozens of books mentioned would be linked and explorable in rich media. Still, it remains a rigorously researched and compellingly curated survey of a tremendously important storytelling medium, one that equips young minds with a fundamental understanding not only of the world but also of its visual language.

The very excellent Maria Popova talks A Brief History of Children’s Picture Books and the Art of Visual Storytelling on Brain Pickings!