
Hitler and Mars Bars

Diana Ashcroft sent me a copy of her book at the end of December and I still haven’t managed to read it. (Sorry Diana). Having not read it I can’t comment on the title or it’s relevance to the book - but Hitler and Mars Bars is intriguing. Still… knowing never to judge a book by it’s cover Moira over at Vulpes Libris has beaten me to the punch.

Hitler and Mars Bars has - among other things - a tremendous sense of place.  That’s a term I’m probably overly fond of, but for some reason I always find novels set in definite and vividly drawn locations immensely  appealing - and Dianne Ascroft captures the essence of post-war rural Ireland quite beautifully.

Hitler and Mars Bars is a book for all ages but would be particularly good I think  for older children telling -  as it does - in a straightforward and unfussy but ultimately effective way,  a story about a little piece of recent Irish history that deserves to be far better known.

Go have a read, ah go on.

Written by david. in: Reading, childrens books | Tags: ,

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