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Invert the world of gaming and game development for a minute… and read Cara Ellison‘s piece on why men should just be happy with what they get out from gaming:

Anyway, you guys wouldn’t even have videogames without women. Remember that. With Ada Lovelace at our head, we invented the technology that makes them possible. The majority of the games industry is populated by hardworking, talented women who have been producing the best interactive experiences for 20 years. Why shouldn’t we make videogames where we can look at sinewy, naked males who moan sexually when we toy with them? Why don’t you start your own games industry where you can make your male-led games about football and the colour blue? Perhaps then we will stop making jokes about how you can get back in the kitchen and take the bins out.

It’s only men who can’t get laid that complain about all this, let’s face it…

… This ‘sexism’ in technology doesn’t exist.

Previously: Lara Croft as a Lawrence.