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Divergent fans get ready!

Divergent fans get ready!

What could make waiting for the upcoming release of Veronica Roth’s next tome … and the release of the movie adaptation of book one a little easier? How about some short story releases told from Four’s point-of-view?

The first, The Transfer, explores Four’s backstory and Divergent’s history before Choosing Day (pre-Divergent).

Of course you want to know more!

New Diana Wynne Jones

New Diana Wynne Jones

News broke last week that fans (of which I am proudly one) of the late Diana Wynne Jones can expect a new novel - The Islands of Chaldea. 

PW have the story but a note from Jones’ agent tells the story: “Diana started work on the novel in the first half of 2009 and she expected to finish that year, but when she was about a third of the way through… she was diagnosed with cancer. About a year later, when it was decided that it was pointless to continue with the chemo, Diana began to feel better and began writing again. She worked steadily until Christmas, but after then her health became much worse. She continued to write almost to the end of her life, in spite of days when she was in considerable pain.”

Head over to PW for more. 



I’m not sure how this snuck passed by a month - but in case you have missed them too, you can read three Chaos Walking short stories online!

And a word from Patrick Ness about the three shorts: “They’re  set  firmly  in  the  world  of  Chaos  Walking  and  star  characters  you  already  know  –  Viola,  Mistress  Coyle,  Wilf,  Lee  –  telling  you  a  little  bit  more  about  them  and  hopefully  being  exciting  in  their  own  right.”

What are you waiting for?

Art in teen fiction

Art in teen fiction

Teen fiction has a new heroine. Cathy Brett, who should be no stranger to anyone, Brett is on her fourth novel, swept in this week with a great article in The Guardian defending artwork in teen fiction.

“Don’t get me wrong. I liked words. I liked reading. No, I love reading. But I really love pictures too and I don’t mind telling you that the day I discovered grown-up books didn’t have pictures was shocking. I wanted my toast with butter… and marmalade.”

Can’t recommend any stronger that fans of YA/Teen fiction, or anyone, read what Brett has to say. And, while you’re getting busy, check out her Everything is Fine (and other lies I tell myself).

Eoin Colfer: PW KIDSCAST

Eoin Colfer: PW KIDSCAST

Eoin Colfer talks to PW Children’s Editor John Sellars about Artemis, influences (so great to hear Eoin wax lyrical about Douglas Adams and writing his Hitchhiker book), writing for adults, touring the US and his new series WARP. And there are sneak peeks into what Eoin is working on next, including a new book with Oliver Jeffers, a musical and some other new projects.

Have 19 minutes and 32 seconds to spare? This is one great way to spend it!

Happy Birthday Mr Sendak

Happy Birthday Mr Sendak

Today is not just any old Monday. Today is Maurice Sendak’s 85th Birthday.

And Google were not letting it slip by unnoticed.

This morning saw the unveiling of a new Google Doodle - with a parade of Sendak’s most loved characters walking through their iconic scenes before all joining together around a birthday cake! Illustrator Jennifer Hom worked up the new doodle with the Google team - and unveiled some of how it came about with storyboards, alternative sketches and more:

n her introduction to the doodle, Jennifer asks “How can anyone sing the praises of Maurice Sendak with enough affection?” Hom even managed to include Sendak’s dog, Herman!

Go on, get clicking!