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Palahniuk announces Fight Club Sequel

Palahniuk announces Fight Club Sequel

The first rule of Fight Club has been broken…. by its creator, Chuck Palahniuk. Palahniuk announced that he was returning to Fight Club with a sequel - this time as a graphic novel:

About the graphic novel, it’s true.  Chelsea Cain has been introducing me to artists and creators from Marvel, DC and Dark Horse, and they’re walking me through the process.  It will likely be a series of books that update the story ten years after the seeming end of Tyler Durden.   Nowadays, Tyler is telling the story, lurking inside Jack, and ready to launch a come-back.  Jack is oblivious.  Marla is bored.  Their marriage has run aground on the rocky coastline of middle-aged suburban boredom.  It’s only when their little boy disappears, kidnapped by Tyler, that Jack is dragged back into the world of Mayhem.

It will, of course, be dark and messy.  Due to contract obligations it can’t come to light for a while.  Next year is “Beautiful You,” followed by the story collection.  But since the Fight Club sequel will appear serialized in graphic form, my book publisher might allow me to launch it earlier than 2015.

Feel free to release any or all of this information.  We haven’t started to court a specific publisher, not until I hammer out the complete story.

What if Spiderman were gay?

What if Spiderman were gay?

In the wake of Orson Scott Card (Ender’s Game) aggressive reply to gay rights supporters, asking for “tolerance toward those who disagreed with them when the issue was still in dispute” and calling the debate moot - one man has risen a hero.

Actually, he’s been a hero before, he is Spiderman.

Two days after Card made his statement, Andrew Garfield, spoke to EW, and asked “Why can’t we discover that Peter is exploring his sexuality?”

What if MJ is a dude?’ Why can’t we discover that Peter is exploring his sexuality?  It’s hardly even groundbreaking!…So why can’t he be gay? Why can’t he be into boys?

Comixology: where EVERY publisher should be

Comixology: where EVERY publisher should be

News that Comixology and Scholastic have reached a distribution deal is, well, overdue.

In fact, that more publishers haven’t been on the digital distribution platform for at least the last two years is baffling. Anyone who has produced a graphic of any sort should be looking to reach the dedicated distributor - used by indies and mainstream publishers across the world.

Expect many more. SOON.

World of Warcraft launch children’s book: Snowfight

World of Warcraft launch children’s book: Snowfight

World of Warcraft announced plans to release their first children’s book later this year - Snowfight.

Written by WoW senior VP of story and franchise development Chris Metzen,  and illustrated by Blizzard artist Wei Wang. Metzen said that the idea has been on the cards for a while and that a smaller scale book would be a change of pace from the massive scale world that WoW inhabits.