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Game Informer has a report that Amazon are developing an Android-operated gaming console due to hit before the end of the year.

Using Amazon’s Android titles listing, a new controller and expected to hit before Black Friday (November 29).

The leak comes following Googles’ own rumour that the company are working on their own device.

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Unlike the Ouya, which has meager capital and influence, Amazon could make a serious run at the affordable home gaming sector. It already has a bevy of titles at its disposal and relationships with key developers responsible for some of the biggest titles on the Android platform.

It’s easy to write off Android consoles as novelties. That is, until an enormous player like Amazon enters the picture. 

Amazon also moves a lot of televisions, and is a key player for those companies. Just ask home appliance retailers if they’ve heard the term “Amazon’s Showroom.” It wouldn’t surprise me to see Amazon cut a deal to have their Android gaming technology integrated with key television manufacturers’ products.