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The Ouya player is live. It’s on sale and in people’s hands (mine is ordered and on its way)

But is the indie console delivering the best platform for indie develepors? It’s still very early but there’s some great sales analysis and projections over at indiestalk.

The post includes Jesse Schell’s keynote at this year’s D.I.C.E. Summit - DEFINITELY worth a watch - the shift to iOS, hype and what comes next for game devs:

From indiestalk - complete with note from the Orange Pixel team (one of the first successes on Ouya)

Since March 28th up until now, which is the Ouya’s retail launch day, Gunslugs has been downloaded 6,125 times. In that same period, the full version has been purchased 140 times. That’s just over a 2% conversion rate from playing the demo to purchasing the full game. Money-wise, that transfers to about $277. Not brilliant, perhaps, but when you consider the game is available across three other platforms as well, the grand total may not be too horrendous. That’s not to say it couldn’t be better, though. What does Pascal Bestebroer of Orange Pixel, who gave me these stats, think of the Ouya so far?

“My interpretation of these stats is the thing I was fearing: everything is free, so getting downloads isn’t hard. Getting people to pay for the full content when there is another demo and quick fix just one minute away from downloading might be the big problem Ouya has to face.”